

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Why I am a Feminist

* I am a feminist because I have studied history and understand that without feminism, I wouldn't have the majority of rights that I enjoy today. That is a hint for the women who apparently have not studied history.
* I am a Feminist because I enjoy being able to vote.

* I am a Feminist because I enjoy being able to own property.

* I am a Feminist because I enjoy being able to get an education.

* I am a Feminist because I enjoy being able to get a job.

* I am a Feminist because any time a woman tries to speak up about issues that affect us, we are either verbally or physically attacked by some men. If its on the internet, you will be called ever name imaginable, threatened with violence, harassed, etc... If its in the real world, we have seen things like the Montreal Massacre, where many women were murdered by an Anti-Feminist. The threat of another Montreal Massacre was recently used to scare Anita Sarkeesian into canceling her speech at a university campus. Feminists in middle-eastern countries are also under the threat of
death, such as Malala Yousafzai, who was shot just for promoting education for women. And we can't forget Pussy Riot, the feminist  Punk band in Russia who were thrown in prison just for speaking out about feminism and LGBT rights.

* I am a Feminist because the wage gap is still a problem. And before anyone suggests that the gap is due to differences in experience or other issues, studies have been done to show that the other variables make no significant difference. I plan to do an extensive post about this topic sometimes in the near future. I also recommend looking into the wage gap between white and black people as well. But hey, all of those black men must be taking time off after they have babies too right? :o

* I am a Feminist because of this....

* I am a Feminist because Anti-Feminist will sink to any level to try to discredit Feminism and women's issues, including making up hoaxes such as Ban Fathersday Hoax and create fake "debate" videos where an Anti-Feminist supposedly crushes a "Feminist" in a debate, even though you can clearly tell its fake, such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnfF3clLuC0

* I am a Feminist because gender roles are bad for society.

* I am a Feminist because many men share the same views as Elliot Rodger even if they don't actually kill anyone.

* I am a Feminist because my reproductive rights and physical autonomy as a human being are constantly being threatened, even though it is settled law and it is supported by the majority of people, including many of those who disagree with it personally.

* I am a Feminist because victims of sexual assault are still blamed for their own attack, by the public, by the media, by the courts, even by friends and family sometimes.

* I am a Feminist because we still don't have enough representation in the government.

* I am a Feminist because of things like this: https://www.yahoo.com/style/sexist-superhero-t-shirts-cause-controvery-98910258588.html

As children, little boys are taught that they can be doctors, firefighters, lawyers, star athletes, scientists, etc... And little girls are taught that we can be the wives of doctors, firefighters, lawyers, star athletes, scientists, etc...

* I am a Feminist because if a woman dares to complain about anything, then she is accused of playing the victim, much like how racists will accuse black people of playing the race card if they complain about anything. This is just a tool used to try to silence people about the problems that still exist in this world.

* I am a Feminist because the Entertainment industry is slowly improving in some aspects but there is still rampant sexism (among other things) to some extent in most areas. The majority of movies still fail to pass the Bechdel test for example, sexism in gaming is still pretty bad even though it is improving, etc...

* Fashion and health industries still teach women that we need to look a certain way, even if its unhealthy and leads to eating disorders, self-harm, low self-esteem, etc...

* I am a Feminist because birth control is constantly under siege but Viagra is not.

* I am a Feminist because some of the worst insults men use against other men is being compared to a woman in some way. "Hey, you throw like a girl!"

* I am a Feminist because when I do something well there will always be some men who say, "Hey not bad" and then immediately follow it up with, "for a girl."

* I am a Feminist because of the double standard regarding sex that Laci Green mentioned in her video and the fact that we are taught this by our own parents when we are kids.

* I am a Feminist because of human trafficking.

* I am a Feminist because women are still treated as property or inferior in many parts of the world.

* I am a Feminist because when a teen football player rapes a teen girl, the media seems to focus on how the event ruined the bright future ahead of him, usually with no mention of how it affected the girl.

* I a Feminist because sometimes entire towns try to cover up incidents like the one above. Steubenville anyone?

* I am a Feminist because the majority of rapists never see the inside of a jail.

* I am a Feminist because most rapes are never even reported.

* I am a Feminist because many men will always say a man involved in sexual assault and domestic violence cases are always innocent and that none of us know what really happened, even when there is sufficient evidence. But when the person is found guilty in court, they say he is still innocent.

* I am a Feminist because whenever I go to a YouTube channel for a male, I see people talking about the content of his videos. However when I go to a channel made by a woman, I see more comments about her appearance or gender than the content itself.

This is not a complete list. I agree with everything mentioned in Laci Green's video and many things that neither of us discussed. These are just the ones that came to mind right now. Maybe I will sit down and create a more complete list when I have time. Basically, we need feminism because human beings are more complex than restrictive, outdated, and harmful gender binaries.

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