

Friday, September 18, 2015

Debating Anti-Feminists: First World problems!

One of the most common arguments you will encounter is the fallacy of relative privation.

People who say, "Oh, if you're a feminist then you should focus on things going on in other countries!" are just using that as a red herring to distract from the topic and silence people. They are also committing a logical error called the relative privation fallacy. You shouldn't ignore problems in your own backyard simply because there may be worse issues in other parts of the world. That is how smaller problems quickly turn into much larger ones.

If we followed this reasoning then no problems would ever be solved because there is always something worse happening somewhere in the world. Marriage Equality? Nope, we can't fight for that because at least LGBT people aren't being killed like in other parts of the world. Church/State issues? Nope, we can't fight for those because at least Atheists and religious minorities are not being killed like in other parts of the world. Reproductive rights? Nope, can't fight for those because at least we have the other basic rights that women don't have in other parts of the world. You can apply this logic to anything. Gun-Rights supporters? Civil Rights? Advocating for the poor? Forget about ALL of it if we follow this logic because regardless of what issue you support, there is always something worse happening to your group in other areas of the world.

Feminist FAQ: Can a male be a Feminist?

Of course! There have been many male feminists throughout history. My favorite philospher, John Stuart Mill, is a perfect example of an early male feminist. He was truly ahead of his time regarding gender views. There have always been a lot of male feminists and we had quite a few join the cause in recent months after Emma Watson's U.N. speech. The amount of support for #heforshe was amazing.

 Here is a sample of some famous feminist and feminist supporting men that most people will know:

Debating Christian Fundies: The US was NOT founded upon Christianity

I often see people claiming that "The United States was founded upon the Christian religion."

Words that I have seen repeated many times over the years, yet they have no validity in reality. The founders of our country were far from perfect but they were at least wise enough to protect us from that form of oppression when they created the Constitution. Now your first obvious response will be to say that the Constitution doesn't say anything about separation of church and state. This is true, I won't deny that. However, you also won't find the words, "fair trial" and many other things that our society views as Constitutional rights. And you won't find anything about God, Jesus, or any references to a higher being.

I could also easily argue that while the second ammendment gives you the right to bear arms (as part of a well-regulated militia), if you use those exact words our government obviously would have the right to define what type of arms you may and may not own. After all, it doesn't say you have the right to own any weapon you choose, such as a shotgun or assault weapon. It doesn't even say you have the right to own a handgun. It simply states that you have the right to bear arms and does not specify what type.

Debating Anti-Feminists: What have Feminists done for Men's issues? Well...

I hear this one frequently, which illustrates that a lot of anti-feminists haven't studied feminist history at all. The good news is that I am about to educate them. :P

* Feminists have tried to change the Selective Service law countless times since it was first implemented. For example, during the Vietnam war, feminists argued to expand women's roles from just support staff to active combat. This was met with hostility from the predominantly male Congress of course. Yes, much like most of the United States population, the majority of feminists were against the war but there were some (mainly female service members) who still wanted to expand our roles in combat. I recommend reading books like "A Time Remembered: American Women in the Vietnam War" by Olga Gruzit-Hoyt. Then in 1980, Jimmy Carter WANTED to include women in Selective Service, which was widely supported by Feminists, but the idea was bashed by Republicans in Congress (with a male majority again) and didn't get enough votes to pass. The decision was challenged by the ACLU's Women's Rights Project and the case was again widely supported by feminists, including the National Organization for Women. Rostker v. Goldberg was the case that went to the Supreme Court challenging the ruling and this was supported by feminists. The National Organization for women even passed a resolution publicly pointing out that Selective Service was discriminating against women by not allowing us to be included. If you want something more recent, Democrats attempted to create a new law including women back in 2004 but it was defeated by Republicans yet again. Every attempt to either end Selective Service or change it to include women has been stopped by, you guessed it.... MEN. They are also the ones who kept us out of direct combat for so many years.

Debating Anti-Feminists - The Quote List

Note: I have a couple dozen more quotes I will be adding to the list over the next week or so and feel free to message me if you have a quote you would like me to research for the list. I will frequently update it as I find more quotes.

A common tactic you will see from anti-feminists is they will spam a list of quotes that are supposedly from prominent feminists. I originally addressed most of them in my lengthy response to Karen Straughan's NAFALT video.Whenever someone uses a quote from a feminist always remember to ask them to cite a source. Most of the time they won't be able to do so because they have just copied and pasted these quotes from Anti-Feminist lists.

There are four fundamental flaws in this argument.

#1. A lot of these quotes were taken out of context to change their meaning, some were completely fabricated, some were made by non-feminists, some were made by people who are not prominent feminists, etc...

Welcome to my new blog!

Unlike my main blog, Satan Invented Video Cameras will focus primarily on subjects like religion, politics, philosophy, science, feminism, social justice, etc... You will also find satirical posts frequently on here. This blog will be an active part of my upcoming YouTube channel of the same name and you will find links to the videos along with transcripts from any debates and discussions I have on there. I have a lot of plans for the coming months so sit back and enjoy. :P

Monday, July 13, 2015

Yay, i'm famous now!

Apparently, Dean Esmay was so upset about our previous encounter on YouTube that he felt the need to write an entire article about me on the AVFM website. lol I also responded to it in the comments section and proceeded to have most of AFVM's prominent members become enraged. lol Enjoy!


Thursday, April 23, 2015

A brief argument with Dean Esmay of AVFM

Update: It seems the thread is back so I am assuming the disappearance was yet another YouTube glitch unless maybe I couldn't see it because he had me blocked? Whatever the case may be, I can now see it again. The bad news is he responded to my last post with the old "I'm done with you" comment. :P My SDCC report will be coming tomorrow. Meanwhile, I got into an argument with Dean Esmay (from AVFM) in the YouTube comments section for JordanOwen's channel and he actually DELETED his entire thread after I cornered him with his own bad arguments. lol Unfortunately for Dean, this has happened to me before so I now start taking screenshots whenever I am arguing with people from this group.

Here is where we had our discussion and it was in the top comments up until a few minutes ago. Now it is gone entirely from the comments section. :P
